Generative AI systems: How to measure their actual knowledge

Generative artificial intelligence (AI), a booming field in modern technology, is generating increasing interest worldwide. But how can we determine the amount of information that a generative AI system actually generates and acquires? Recently, researchers have made a giant leap in this direction.

What is generative AI?

Before diving into the heart of the matter, it is essential to understand what generative AI means. In simple terms, it is a form of artificial intelligence capable of creating new and original content. This can include texts, images, music, and even design ideas. Popular examples include systems like GPT-3 and DALL-E from OpenAI.

The challenge of measuring an AI's knowledge

One of the major challenges with generative AI is understanding and measuring what it "really knows". Unlike humans, who learn and store knowledge consciously, generative AIs operate by analyzing huge amounts of data and deducing patterns or trends. This raises the question: how can we measure the extent and accuracy of the knowledge an AI has "learned"?

The new breakthrough: software to verify AI's knowledge

To solve this problem, researchers have developed new software. This software has the capability to assess and verify the extent of knowledge acquired by an AI system. It uses special techniques to analyze the AI's responses and creations, thus evaluating the quantity and quality of the information it has integrated.

Why is this important?

This breakthrough is crucial for several reasons. First, it provides a way to judge the reliability and accuracy of a generative AI system. This is essential in fields where the accuracy of information is paramount, such as medicine or scientific research. Moreover, it allows us to understand the limits of these systems, identifying areas where they may need improvements or adjustments.


The development of software capable of verifying the amount of information assimilated by a generative AI system marks an important milestone in the field of artificial intelligence. By providing a way to measure and evaluate these systems' knowledge, we are paving the way for safer and more reliable AI applications in critical areas. The future of generative AI thus promises to be not only more creative but also more transparent and secure.

Catégories : Intelligence Artificielle

Par Guillaume le 13/01/2024 à 22:17

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